Analytical health test
Test developed by top nutritionists at Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc - the market leader in Wellness (health and beauty products).
Why should you take just 10 minutes to take this quiz NOW? More
Our test will help timely reveal hidden problems in your body, separately for each + system you will receive a program on 9 months to restore health, including recommendations for adjusting the diet and lifestyle!
The test is very simple and at the same time very effective - you do not need to know diagnoses or take tests.
There are NO analogues to this test!
Check the boxes for the feelings you have! The results may surprise you.
The test has only 2 steps:
Step 1. Completing an online test to analyze the health of your systems.
Symptoms (feelings) are listed on the left, 9 columns on the right are responsible for a particular system of your body.
Answer only honestly ! Note all complaints, symptoms and sensations that you have or are experiencing. This is the only way you can get the most accurate and truthful results.
Check the symptom, and you will immediately be shown in which body systems failures can cause them.
Use hints ! Next to some symptoms, you will see a “?” - Hovering you will get a hint.
Step 2. Get the result and adjust your diet and lifestyle (9 months program tailored based on your results).
Step 3. Invite your social media friends to take this quiz:
Analytical health test
Test developed by top nutritionists at Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc - the market leader in Wellness (health and beauty products).
Why should you take just 10 minutes to take this quiz NOW?
Our test will help timely reveal hidden problems in your body, separately for each + system you will receive a program on 9 months to restore health, including recommendations for adjusting the diet and lifestyle!
The test is very simple and at the same time very effective - you do not need to know diagnoses or take tests.
There are NO analogues to this test!
Check the boxes for the feelings you have! The results may surprise you.
The test has only 2 steps:
Step 1. Completing an online test to analyze the health of your systems.
Symptoms (feelings) are listed on the left, 9 columns on the right are responsible for a particular system of your body.
Answer only honestly ! Note all complaints, symptoms and sensations that you have or are experiencing. This is the only way you can get the most accurate and truthful results.
Check the symptom, and you will immediately be shown in which body systems failures can cause them.
Use hints ! Next to some symptoms, you will see a “?” - Hovering you will get a hint.
Step 2. Get the result and adjust your diet and lifestyle (9 months program tailored based on your results).
Step 3. Invite your social media friends to take this quiz:
Please check the box next to each condition you experience.
Here you can share your impressions after passing the test:
We would like to thank you Olga Koltunova for helping me create the test!
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