Help section (FAQ)

- Use the search located in the site's header.

Поиск по сайту Клуб NSP

1) Write a keyword to search for (example: chlorophyll, vitamins, lipstick...)

2) Press the Enter key on your keyboard or the magnifying glass icon.

- If you have difficulty with the name of the product - ask a question online consultant, the form for the question at the bottom right, or contact us in any way convenient for you and we will send you direct links to the desired products.

To place an order, go to the page of the product you want.

  1. Select the desired amount by clicking the "+" button next to the photo of the product.
  2. Click on "Buy" button.

3. Go to cart by clicking on its icon:

and then "Checkout".

4. Fill in all the fields: first name, last name, full address, contact phone number.

* Please note that if you do not have an NSP discount number, you must leave this field blank or register to access affiliate prices!

5. Choose the type of delivery by putting a dot opposite the desired type of delivery: "Self-delivery" or "To the door".

6. Click the button "Confirm Order".

7. You will receive a copy of your order on your email box.

  1. If you are a customer of our online store, you can send your questions to our email box [email protected]

  2. If you have a NSP discount number (affiliate agreement) that was not issued by us, you can post your questions on the forum here (forum registration is NOT required)

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Answer: After your order is processed by a manager, you will receive an email to your email box. There will be full information in the letter about where and how to receive your order: address and phone number, where and when you can receive your order.

Answer: You don't need to do anything extra to get the 30% discount - just place your order for $41 or more. Your order will be automatically calculated with the discount, you can see this information in the cart.

After your order is processed on your e-mail box will come the information about your personal discount number.

Answer: "To the door" delivery is made on weekdays.


  1. If you received a discount number after ordering on our site, you can use it for your further purchases

  2. If you did not get a discount number at our site, please contact the person who helped you to make it and he will tell you where you can buy the products that you will get the bonuses.

Answer: All products are licensed and certified according to all rules of the country where it is presented (we work in more than 35 countries). Learn more about quality here

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