Privacy Policy (EU)

This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data that may be collected by FOP Dina Pavlovna Sultanova from natural persons (subjects of personal data) when using our Platform - websites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Our privacy policy is based on the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data" dated 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI (hereinafter - the Law), as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27.04.2016 (EU General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter - GDPR) and other applicable European data protection legislation, collectively referred to hereinafter as the Legislation.

The Administration is committed to preserving your privacy online. We attach great importance to the protection of the data you provide to us. The purposes for which we collect personal data: improving the operation of our service, contacting visitors to this site, e-mail newsletters, processing user data for online commerce services, providing information requested by the user, providing services related to the activities of this site, as well as for the following activities.

Links to other sites

Our platform may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. We are not responsible for their content. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of each site you visit, if it is available there.

Collection and use of personal data

We only collect and use your personal data if you voluntarily consent. By consenting, you authorize us to collect and use the following data: first and last name, email, phone number, home address, NSP affiliate agreement number. Your data will be collected and processed in accordance with the laws in force in the European Union and Ukraine.

Data storage, modification and deletion

The user who has provided his/her personal data to our Platform sites has the right to modify and delete them, as well as to withdraw his/her consent to their use. Your personal data will be stored for the time necessary to use the data for the main activity of the site. At the end of the use of your data, the administration of the site deletes it. To access your personal data, you can contact the site administration at the following address: [email protected]. We may transfer your personal data to our commercial partners, and if it has been transferred, we cannot change the data in other organizations not affiliated with us.

Use of technical data when you visit a website

When you visit our Platform websites, the database stores records of your IP address, time of visit, browser settings, operating system and other technical information necessary for the correct display of the website content. It is not possible for us to identify the identity of the visitor from this data.

Submission of information by children

If you are a parent or guardian and you know that your children have provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us: [email protected]. Personal information of minors without parental or guardian consent is prohibited on our service.

Use of cookies

We use cookies to display content correctly and to make our Platform sites easy to use. These are small files that are stored on your device. They help the site remember information about you, such as what language you are browsing in and what pages you have already opened, which will be useful the next time you visit. Cookies make your browsing experience much more convenient. You can read more about cookies here You can set your browser to accept or block cookies yourself. Failure to accept cookies may limit the functionality of the website.

Use of personal data by other services

This website uses third-party Internet services that collect information independently of us: Google Analytics, Google AdSense,, Online Consultant, Yandex Metrics ( The data they collect may be shared with other services within these organizations, they may use the data to personalize ads for their own advertising network. You can read the user agreements of these organizations on their websites. There you can also opt out of their collection of personal data, for example, the Google Analytics blocker can be found here We do not share personal information with other organizations or services not listed in this privacy policy. The only exception to this policy is the transfer of information when legally required to do so by government agencies authorized to do so.

Changes to our privacy policy

Our Platform may update our privacy policy from time to time. We notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on this page. We monitor changes to legislation relating to personal data in the European Union and in the State of Ukraine. If you have left personal data with us, we will notify you of any changes to the privacy policy. If your personal data has been entered incorrectly, we will not be able to contact you.

Feedback, Final Terms

You can contact the administration of the Platform on issues related to the privacy policy at: [email protected], or by sending a paper letter to the address 20703, Cherkassy region, Cherkassy district, Smela city, Kotlyarevskogo street, 8, FOP Dina Pavlovna Sultanova. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, you may not use the services of the sites of our Platform, in this case you should refrain from visiting the specified sites included in our Platform.

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