Liquid Chlorophyll NSP

Retail: 30.80 €
Points: 15.69VP
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  • Promotes the synthesis of red blood cells, tissue regeneration
  • Increases and strengthens immunity
  • Has an antibacterial effect
  • Inhibits the growth of bacterial and fungal flora in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Withdraws toxins and radioactive substances
  • Prevents the development of dental caries (applications), suppresses trichomonads (sprinzhevanie)
  • Successfully used in the treatment of cancer, inflammatory processes (including skin), diseases of the ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract

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Chlorophyll liquid NSP - natural detox and purification of the body

Many years before people learned to hunt for food and make fire, they ate only plant food, replenishing their energy expenditures at the expense of plant energy. Plants get their energy from the sun, and it is converted by a special pigment found in all green plants - chlorophyll.

The role of chlorophyll in maintaining the health of modern man

The essence of photosynthesis is known to everyone from school biology lessons. But what role chlorophyll plays in human life, now we will explain.

When we see a dog or a cat (carnivorous animals!) eat grass, we understandably say: "Heals", or "Vitamins". It is clear that only instinct makes carnivorous animals eat grass in case of illness or just not feeling well.

The very instinct that our civilized contemporary lost very many years ago. Everyone knows that body cells need oxygen, but for some reason no one thinks about the fact that the body has nowhere to get oxygen in smoky and gassy megacities; for some reason we think that the body will somehow figure it out on its own.

And so it happens - up to a time the organism fights with unfavorable environmental factors, with low-quality products, with tobacco smoke and car exhausts, with diseases, finally. But then it gives up, because the struggle is unequal. And all we need is to help it a little, to saturate it with oxygen and energy.

Plant life is directly dependent on sunlight. Chlorophyll accumulates the energy of sunlight, there is a reaction of photosynthesis, and life-giving oxygen is distributed to all tissues and cells of the plant. Thus, consuming plants as food, a person receives vital energy.

Why it stopped working

In recent decades, people have ceased to have enough of the vitality that plants provide. Constantly deteriorating ecological situation, cultivation of plants by industrial technologies, when no field is without herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, imperfect methods of long-term storage have significantly reduced the benefits that plants have brought to man for thousands of years.

And man himself has had a hand in this - we mostly prefer to consume plant food that has undergone culinary processing. And so diseases multiply, the human body has almost ceased to resist infections - otherwise where do the epidemics of "bird", "swine" and other influenza, for example, that frighten us almost every year, come from? Meanwhile, even in the midst of another epidemic, there are people (and they are not so few!) who are not affected by any flu. And it's not about vaccinations at all.

The company NSP with concern for the health of people created a biologically active supplement Liquid chlorophyll.

The effect of the product Liquid Chlorophyll from NSP on the human body

Chlorophyll as an antioxidant, created by nature itself:

  • blocks free radicals and protects cells from their destructive effects, as well as increases and strengthens immunity;
  • exhibits antimutagenic properties (so far this claim has not been conclusively proven);
  • chlorophyll regulates and normalizes the activity of the thyroid and pancreas glands (a proven fact).

Biologists believe that chlorophyll acts not on any particular disease, but on the whole body.

By saturating tissues with oxygen, chlorophyll from NSP activates cellular respiration and gives a person strength and energy. When taken internally, promotes detoxification of the body, removing toxins, radioactive substances and waste products, normalizes acid-base balance and the general hormonal background, helps the full absorption of vitamins, minerals and all nutrients. Increases the number of red blood cells, helping the body to fight inflammatory processes and optimizing the function of the liver and lungs.

When used externally, it accelerates the healing of wounds, erosions, ulcers, pustular skin diseases, as well as alleviates diseases of the ENT organs.

It is important for athletes to know that Liquid Chlorophyll from NSP helps the body to recover faster after intense exercise by removing lactic acid from the muscles.

Thus, Liquid Chlorophyll NSP can buy everyone who is interested in a healthy and active life. And for those people who live in poor environmental conditions, rarely go outdoors, do not get enough sunlight and whose immunity is weakened, BAD is needed like air. Especially since the price of it, offered by our company, taking into account discounts very democratic.

How to use

1 teaspoon, diluted in 200 ml of water or other beverage, 2 times a day (preventive dose). On the recommendation of a specialist company dose can be increased.


The product contains 475.6 mg (0.4756 ml).

One teaspoon (5 ml) contains: liquid chlorophyllin - 14.9 mg, natural menthol oil (to give a pleasant taste and smell) - 4.35 mg.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, cool place at a temperature not exceeding +25º C. Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.

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